Like a woman - pentru toate femeile care iubesc

I know I've got a really good life
I'm a good wife, and a mama to a baby girl.
I'm a little bit of everything to everyone
It's like I'm riding on a Tilt-A-World
It's hard not to get caught up in the spinnings
And the laundry and the schedules of the everyda

Sometimes I think about the way it was,  
When we fell in love.  
Things were different then 
 Innocent and wide open, 
Free and beautiful 

I want to feel like that again 

But somewhere along the journey 
I lost a part of me 
And I know you can help me get it back
Yeah help me get it back
[[Chorus]]Baby lay me down on our bed  
Touch my body like only you can 
Kiss me softly, Take away my breath  
Slow it down and make it real 
Cause tonight I want to feel  
Like a woman.
You’re the one who really gets me  
Honey let me, Feel the fire in your hands
I know you can keep me burning  
Feel the yearning  
Cause you’re still my only man 
Give me all that I can handle 
Light a candle  
Only you can bring me back to life 
Oh I need you tonight
Like a woman touched for the first time 
Like a flower that blooms in the sunshine  
I need to feel your love inside of me
Yeah Like a woman Like a woman

Copied from



  1. Nu am cuvinte sa-ti spun cat mi-a placut!!
    Este nemaipomenit de adevarat!!!
    Nu stiu cum le gasesti :)) Cred ca vin singure spre tine :)

  2. Esti un om ales, te apreciez mult, pup si o imbratisare pentru tine.... una cu mirors de tei, ca tot dau in floare!


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