Summer make-up look - Machiaj de vara

Acest make-up look il puteti gasi pe site-ul , locul unde Lisa Eldrige, una dintre cele mai renumite make-up stylists a zilelor noastre adapteaza make-up look-urile realizate pentru scena sau sedinte foto, danandu-le o tenta mai soft, mai potrivita folosirii in viata de zi cu zi. Imi place claritatea cu care explica si faptul ca intotdeauna machiajul rezultat nu e incarcat, iar punctul central este stralucirea si finetea tenului.

Hope you find this helpful X

"This video is full of tips on how to make the transition from spring to summer. The start of summer its always tricky as the majority of us are not at our full summer colour yet and using bronzers and highlighters to give the skin a glow can be tricky to get right. For the best results begin with something subtle, especially when reaching for the bronzer! Soft and pretty definition around the eyes and on the lips make this look all about the glowy skin. When using a cream bronzer like this be sure to use it over moisturised skin and primer...never powder."

Iata si cateva look-uri semnate Lisa Eldridge :

Anima a little extra... "Heart to heart", un video f frumos despre acceptarea imperfectiunilor, sinceritate si frumusetea de dincolo de machiaj

"This heart to heart is just about my past history and struggles with my skin. I didn't do any video editing to it, only 1 take, and laid my heart out. Nobody is perfect but everyone IS beautiful so we need to learn to love ourselves just as we are. Here's to beauty in vulnerability.

It's so easy to put others down because of our own insecurities but the answer is not in pointing fingers and degrading others. Instead we need to stop and take a good look in the mirror and accept who we are today, just as we are. Only then can we use the fun stuff like makeup, hairstyling, and fashion to honestly express who we are and not just what we want others to think we are."


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