ORGASM ( *updated :)

Meritãm extazul!  
Pentru aceastã frumoasã nebunie am fost create!
Impregnati-va de senzualitate, de feminitate, mandriti-va cu trupul dumneavoastra, cu erotismul acestuia..fiti gata sa luati in primire toate comorile si incantarile propriei voastre senzualitati! 

Trupul in care traim este un dar, o splendida minune. Este capabil sa se lase stabatut de fluvii nesfarsite de iubire, de daruire, de frenetica si inaltatoare pasiune. 
Mintea umana este capabila a se minuna zile in sir in fata unui zambet, sa explodeze sub infiorarea unei atingeri, sa descopere mii de mistere intr-o singura privire a celui iubit, sa infrumuseteze si sfinteasca orice spatiu, ingenunchind indragostita in lacasul inimii.

Placerea si deschiderea pe care le simtim in timp ce facem dragoste au o stransa conexiune cu bucuria, curiozitatea, flexibilitatea si iubirea cu care ne traim viata. Poetul persan Rumi rezuma aceasta in cateva intelepte cuvinte: "Felul in care faci dragoste este felul in care Dumnezeu iti va raspunde si modul in care Viata se va purta cu tine." 
Umple-ti deci viata  cu incantare, cu intensitate, cu iubire, vibreaza in ritmul tumultuos al inimii, lasa intregul Univers, cu miliardele sale de stele sa te strabata atunci cand faci dragoste!...
Topeste-te in iubire, ca mierea in lapte...

Iubirea iti va arata dumul ea insasi.



  1. sunt de acord cu sugestia zilei de azi. si citind Wilhelm Reich, "The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical." sau ascultand declaratia Veronicai din filmul frumoasa Venetiana: I confess I find more ecstasy in passion than in anything else. I confess i pray still to feel the touch of my lover's lips, his hands upon me, his arms enfolding me. I confess I hunger still to be filled and inflamed

  2. Intr-adevar, placerea si deschiderea pe care le simtim in timp ce facem dragoste au o stransa conexiune cu bucuria, curiozitatea, flexibilitatea si iubirea cu care ne traim viata. Poetul persan Rumi rezuma aceasta in cateva intelepte cuvinte: "Felul in care faci dragoste este felul in care Dumnezeu iti va rasspunde si modul in care Viata se va purta cu tine"

  3. multumim pt update. e mult mai bine asa, intre timp am gasit si citatul intreg. Dangerous Beauty Monologue: A Bold Confession
    Movie: Dangerous Beauty
    Book: An Honest Courtesan by Margaret Rosenthal
    Character: Veronica Franco (Catherine McCormack)

    "I confess as a girl I loved a man who would not marry me for want of a dowry. I confess I had a mother who taught me a different way of life. One I resisted at first but learned to embrace. I confess I became a courtesan. Traded yearning for power, welcomed many rather than be owned by one. I confess I embraced a whore's freedom over a wife's obedience. [Inquisitor: This is not repentance.] What am I to do? I must confess my evil as the church instructs. These are my sins. I confess I find more ecstasy in passion than in prayer. I confess I confess I pray still to feel the touch of my lover's lips, his hands upon me, his arms enfolding me. Such surrender has been mine. I confess I hunger still to be filled and inflamed. To melt into the dream of us beyond this troubled place to where we are not even ourselves. To know that always, always this is mine. If this had not been mine, if I had lived another way a child to a husband's whim my soul hardened from lack of touch and lack of love... I confess such endless days and nights would be punishment greater than any you could mete out. You, all of you, who hunger for what I give but cannot bear to see such power in a woman, you call God's greatest gift, ourselves, our yearning, our need to love, you call it filth and sin and heresy. [Inquisitor: Enough. One last time before you are condemned: Do you repent or not?] I repent there was no other way open to me. I do not repent my life."

  4. Iarasi ti-ai aratat fata de zeita a iubirii in aceasta minunata postare!
    "Topeste-te in iubire ca mierea in lapte.." mmmm delicios de divin!


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